Outdoor gathering at Newton Park, Newton, September 11, 2021

HKUAANE's Outdoor Gathering 2021 is to replace our traditional Fall Dinner with the concern of COVID delta-variant. During the COVID lockdown, we skipped our in-person meeting in Fall 2020 and launched virtual gathering in Spring 2021. At this gathering, we were so blessed by the fabulous weather with clear sky, sunshine and breeze. The gathering was well attended by 36 people, including 26 adults and 10 children! This year we do not have any HKU exchange student due to COVID lockdown. All first-time attendees and their family were introduced and welcomed. The highlight of the program is the vibes of #reunion #fun catch up #new faces #babies. Convener Milly Ng gave a brief speech to address our HKU Alumni group is such a truly blessed one with love and from the same origin!

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